Monday, June 9, 2008

Airport time.

So, this is my very first blog of my trip. It's been kinda crazy so far. I am currently in the Columbus airport, waiting for my flight to get here (I think it might be late). There's a few things that I've wanted to say before I got on this flight and really started this thing, I've actually been thinking about it since I got to Ohio. I need to thank...alot of people. Um....where to start, right? Steve, thank you so much for you gift. I had been looking for work for weeks since my graduation, and was beginning to doubt whether this trip was truly something God wanted me to do. I did doubt, honestly, if God could provide everything I needed (it seemed like there was so much I needed, and so little I had). But, you, Vicki, Stacia and everyone at CPW was so kind and loving...there just aren't words for it. I'll have to settle with saying "thank you," and hope that someday I can pass the favor on to someone else. Brad - I don't really know how to explain how you've helped me. Basically I would have been overjoyed with getting twenty bucks....but you had other plans obviously. I sent you a voice message, and will write in detail exactly what has been going on these last hectic weeks. Mom. I had fun this last couple of days. I'm really glad we had that time together. Please be strong, you have so many people depending on you - including me. Just know that I love you, and will always be thinking of you, and trying to be the boy you wanted me to be. ... this is the one that I've been choked up for awhile about. Dad. Um... (I'm trying my hardest not to start crying in this terminal) ... Thank you. For all of the lessons, all of the laughs, all of the hugs. Showing me that a man can be tough, strong, determined, but loving, tender, and incredibly giving of his heart. I only hope that I can be half the man you are when it comes time for other people to depend on me. I know that wouldn't be enough for you, so I will try my best to make you proud. And...I want you to know one more thing. I'm proud of you. I don't know the person you were before I was born. But I know the man you are now. And I want you to know how truly proud of you I am. You are a Christian leader, a never-ending source of strength encouraging me to take on incredible challenges, and you are the calm voice in the storm. I'm so proud of the man you are today, and I hope that Jordan, Hanna, and Andy will see who you are and feel the same way I do. Okay, I think that covers most of my bases. Like I said, still in the airport - except now my stomach and my heart are in my throat. The stomach's there because I am on the top of my roller coaster. Roller coaster - that's my analogy for my life. My family knows this, but since graduation, my life has been on this slow rising roller coaster (you know, the whole "click, click. click, click - oh my goodness I'm about to puke because I know that I'm about to do something that is extremely scary! part" Right at this very moment, I'm tottering on the top. I'm thinking, "eh...this can't be too bad. Maybe it'll be a nice and smooth ride." (lies) Do you wanna know why I cannot believe myself? It's because I am traveling to Korea. The problem's not the flight - that's no big deal. The problem is what comes after I land. My flight finishes in a country that speaks a language I do not know, that has signs in a language I cannot read, and am going to a school I'm not really sure how to get to. Someone was supposed to be waiting for me...but yea....that turned out to not be the case so much. So, wish me luck! I'll be giving a pretty good description of my adventures the next time I get an internet connection (but who knows when that'll be). There's a bird in the airport. I thought it was all closed off, and that birds couldn't get in here. A little boy is taking a picture of it. Apparently, only him and I have noticed it (it's hopping around on the floor). Weird...I think things are only going to get weirder. I'm going to go sit somewhere else, for some reason, people who get off of planes really like looking at people - it creeps me out. I'll write later...peace.